Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Moving In and House Guests

The past two weeks have been exhausting but exhillerating.

Marito and I finally moved into our new home on October 10th. We had our Household Goods set up to arrive that day, as well as our Full Time Temporary Furniture (washer, dryer, stove, wardrobes etc.). I had also gone to the NEX to get some new furniture that we bought to be delivered that same day.

It was a little chaotic to have all three moving trucks arriving at our house at the same time, but it worked out to the HHG movers advantage. Our King and Queen size beds were difficult to carry up the stairs so they used the other movers to relay our matresses and boxsprings through the patio doors from one floor to another.

By the time the movers were almost done unloading our boxes I felt bad for them and just told them to put the rest of the boxes in the garage. I also told them not to unpack anything. Too many wives tales about the movers telling the Mafia or Gypsies what is in my house and us getting robbed. Thanks but no thanks, whether that is true or not, I will unpack my own stuff.

I didn't have any food for the movers, but I had plenty of bottled water. Good thing too becuase it was a very warm day for them to move 6 crates of boxes and furniture.

Marito with some of his buddies from the Enterprise
Our drunk friend in the pool
Not even a full week later I had a line of people to pick up from the airport because the USS Enterprise was pulling into Naples. I did a TON of driving back an forth, picking people up, dropping them off and basically being a tour guided taxi service. It was exhausting but made me feel so good to help. I was able to help two wives reunite on the pier, help a boyfriend surprise his girlfriend and then watch a proposal. Marito and I also picked up a few of his buddies from his former command and take them around town, grab some drinks and free wifi.One of the guys had a good enough time that he jumped into the pool (freezing) and paid a Hotel Guest at the Agora 50 euros to jump in too! When I wasn't with my house guests, I was at the Exchange sending sailors to get free wifi so they could FaceTime and connect with home.

I love helping people. I hopped on FaceBook and posted a few pictures of some random Sailors I met, and it happened to be a couple of guys that are husbands to some wives I know! I also saw a New dad from our last command and emailed his wife a picture. You just don't know how much joy it is for me to make other people happy, especially wives who haven't seen their husbands in 7 months.

With all of the driving I did, I learned a lot about downtown Naples, where the Liberty Boats pull in and that I hate driving on the Toll Roads!

Now that my friends are gone, it's back to getting the house organized and the last of the boxes unpacked. Getting ready for the next round of house guests coming next month!


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