Thursday, August 9, 2012

Down the road

Today, Marito looked up how far we are from the beach, and said we were 2.3 km which is a little over 30 minute walk. So to kill time we skipped out of the hotel and started our little journey.

We passed a couple of little restaurants and saw a window that had a VISA sticker in it. Sweet deal- we don't have euros yet. We go to order a pizza to split and their machine isn't working properly, BUT! there is an ATM down the road. So we walk, and come across a Bank but they are already closed. Crap! Not only have we walked for an hour, we haven't made it all the way down to the beach yet. This doesn't look promising.

We continue to walk an take in the culture- mainly driving culture! Beep Beep! Finally I ask Marito, what are we doing? Are we going to keep going til there is no road (another 30 minutes probably) or are we going to find an ATM and turn around?

Turning around was my top option. Old Navy Flip Flops aren't recommended for long walks on the town. I almost wanted to pull out one of my brother's tricks and drop to me knee, stick my arms out and yell "CARRY ME! I CAN'T WALK!" Ok so my brother was five and we were at Disney World when he made that scene. Anyways, we turned around learned the the bank may be closed but you can push a button on the door and you gain entrance to an ATM right behind the door! Good to know!

Made our way back and had a Pizza. It was delish, but I am ready to go to markets and buy fruit and food to snack on throughout the day. Being locked in a hotel, with no car, and waiting for your sponsor to get off work isn't ideal. Especially for me- I hate being in one place for too long.

Our day was uneventful but I did get to FaceTime a close friend and wake her kids up, and see them smile. Melted my heart, let me tell you. It's good to know people like me =] Then I got to chat with mom. Always good, and my brother is getting a bit more serious about joining the Navy. So proud!

Tomorrow Marito and I have Area Orientation. I am SO eager to learn about this city!

More tomorrow!

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